Paddling pool makes a splash at Westhoughton Dog Park

IT can be hard to keep cool in the hot weather when you’re always wearing a fur coat.

But staff at Westhoughton Dog Park have got the paw-fect solution - a pair of paddling pools for pooches.

The secure dog park, which opened up earlier this year, has bought two dog-friendly paddling pools, allowing them to have fun while staying safe in the current heatwave.

It’s gone down a treat with four-legged visitors to the park, located off Jack's Lane.

Some dogs choose to sit in the water and just chill out while others prefer to make a splash jumping around.

Westhoughton Dog Park, features two large enclosures with secure fencing.

One has agility equipment and one is without, and its has hourly slots which can be booked in advance.

The dog park is run by husband and wife team Donny and Dawn Janciauskas, who also operate a stables and showjumper business.

The Bolton News:

Dawn told The Bolton News: “It’s gone down so well, we’ve two pools one in the agility field and one in the second field.

“I wanted to make sure the dogs had somewhere to cool down.

"And now they’re spending more time in the paddling pool than running around the field.

“It’s been brilliant, we don’t want the dogs running around in the heat so this is the perfect option.

“I had hoped to buy some water guns too to try out but they were all sold out.

“Pretty much all of the dogs go in the water, we have found.

"One dog sticks her head underneath the water all the time which was so funny.

“During the hot weather we’ve let people come and use the park later in the day when it’s much cooler.

“We’re hoping to use the pools when we have our puppy meets too.”

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