Robert Pattinson To Have The Same Fate As Henry Cavill In DC

The most handsome man on earth, Robert Pattinson might have to bite the dust like another handsome man Henry Cavill.

Robert Pattinson’s upcoming movie is giving early signs of box office failure. If we carefully observe, Robert Pattinson is treading the same path that Henry Cavill once did. The question is if Pattinson will be shown the door by DC bosses just like they did with Cavill.

Highlights â€"
  • Robert Pattinson as Batman: Perfect fit or a baggage?
  • Early signals of failing Batman
  • Ghost of Henry Cavill hovering around Robert Pattinson

    There is still some time for the fans to give their verdict on Batman, but Pattinson himself thinks the movie will fail. Some of the eagle-eyed fans of Marvel, after hearing such noise around Pattinson’s Batman, can’t stop themselves from relating Pattinson’s case with Henry Cavill.

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    Video Credits: Screen Rant

    Pattinson became the perfect choice to fill in the shoes of legendary actors â€" Ben Affleck and Christian Bale. His athletic looks are well suited to portray the young and mysterious black crusader. Since the news of urgent reshoots, and the angry CEOs has hit the ears of fans, they are giving a second thought to their opinion about Pattinson as Batman. Such early impressions about an actor may prove fatal for the film at the box office. After hearing such news about Batman, fans recall Cavill’s unceremonious departure from DC.

    EARLY SIGNALS OF FAILING BATMAN Robert Pattinson to meet the same fortune as Henry Cavill in DCRobert Pattinson to meet the same fortune as Henry Cavill in DC

    Reshoots are quite common in Hollywood, but they prove fatal for WB. You don’t have to go far to prove how the DCEU-WB projects that underwent reshoots failed at the box office. ‘Justice League‘ and ‘Suicide Squad‘, statistics at the box office speak clearly about their inability to handle reshoots well.


    The “Twilight” star didn’t shy away from revealing his stress during filming since the beginning. The ghost of Henry Cavill is also hovering around, and who knows, it may have scared Pattinson as well. Dr. De Silva of the Centre For Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery tested many actors on the scale of beauty through computerized mapping techniques.

    Robert Pattinson beat down Henry Cavill by few points and became the most handsome face on the earth. Cavill had to rest at the second spot. Both are tight contenders in terms of looks, which is why DC fans often compare their careers. Since Henry Cavill’s Superman couldn’t create the magic, fans think Pattinson’s Batman will be a box office failure. They claim that hype around good looks often proves unlucky for DC actors. So, it’s no surprise that Pattinson is worried about Batman’s future.

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    Video Credits: Robert Pattinson WorldWide Media

    Another factor that can hurt the film is the presence of too many villains. It is hard for film director Matt Reeves to justify numerous villains in the film.

    Recent rumours speak of intensified debates during the recent screening of the film to the executives. The bosses were deeply dissatisfied with the film and wanted to radically change the story.

    Robert Pattinson seems to be struggling to build rapport with the director amidst reshoots. Some of the factors are strong to claim that the future of Batman is in danger, but comparing Henry Cavill’s stint in DC with Pattinson is not justified if the only common parameter is the look factor.

    Do you agree with fans’ claim that Robert Pattinson will not stay in DC for long, just like Henry Cavill? Share your views about early signs of failing Batman in the comments box below.

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