Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda.Sat, 24 Jul 2021 16:20:21 +0000en-GB hourly 1 Uganda 3232ANDREW MWENDA: Uganda’s untold achievements Sat, 24 Jul 2021 16:20:21 +0000 night while walking through the streets of Soroti City, I met Mr Joseph Epodoi. He is the surgeon who, last year, led a medical team that separated conjoined twins at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital. Please note: a surgeon with a masters is referred to as Mr, not Dr.

The siamese twins were born on March 21, 2000 in Amuria Health Center Four by caesarean. Did you know a Health Center Four in Amuria, a remote district bordering Karamoja can handle caesarean cases? Well it did.

One twin was born dead. The case was transferred to Soroti Regional Referral Hospital where Epodoi was worked for the last 20 years. He assessed the case and because they had never done such surgery before, he referred it to Mulago, which is the national referral hospital.

Mulago Hospital judged the case medically impossible and discharged the twins for palliative care â€" meaning they go home and wait for the death of the second twin as well. So the parents came back to Soroti Hospital.

However Epodoi felt he could take the risk and try to separate them, since the option left was to just let the second kid die. So on arrival (and this was four days since the birth and one kid was decomposing while the other licking its leaps and opening its eyes).

Epodoi concluded from this that at least the conjoined twins were not sharing the heart, otherwise even the second one would have died. So he mobilized our team of 15 people including anesthesiologist, pediatricians, general surgeons and intensive care nurses. On the 5th day since the twins were born, they did a successful separation.

They even reduced the operation time from 15 hours to four hours. They got tissue from the dead kid to patch up the cut place of the living one. These live parts on the dead kid were close to the living one and that is why they had not died yet.

Now the child is in the village and fine. The mother was in S2 graduate (23 years old) and was now doing a tailoring course. The father is driver and cannot be traced. So it is the maternal grand father who was coordinating the kid’s medical emergency.

The doctors then opened an account in equity bank for charitable people to help donate money to the poor mother to assist the child. There has been little contributions to the account.

The lesson from this story is simple but powerful. That is spite of all the problems our medical services face, our country has made incredible progress in improving medical care for our citizens â€" even the poorest among us. That is how a Health Center Four in Amuria is able to handle Caesarian cases, and Soroti Hospital able to handle this case.

]]>High court orders Police boss to pay Shs10m for torturing fellow officer Sat, 24 Jul 2021 13:21:21 +0000 Court has ordered Commissioner of Police Herman Owomugisha to pay Assistant Superintendent of Police, Steven Mugarura Shs10m for torturing and detaining him unlawfully.

Justice Musa Ssekaana ruled that CP Owomugisha must also pay for the violation of ASP Mugarura’s personal liberty with an interest of 15 percent from 23rd July the date of the ruling.

According to the application by Mugarura (Applicant), CP Owomugisha (Respondent) breached his constitutional duty to protect the applicant, a public officer while he was discharging his lawful public duty of investing criminal matters, as OC/CID Kabarole Police Station, and instead obstructed his duties, contrary to article 173 of the Constitution.

The court states that the applicant’s freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment was violated by officers of the Uganda Police who wantonly beat up him while at Central Police Station Kampala contrary to Articles 24 and 44 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.

According to the affidavit of the applicant dated 29th November 2017, in 2012, as he was serving as the OC CID of Kabarole Police Station, he encountered a notorious criminal gang that was robbing people’s properties across Uganda upon which he started off an operation to have it investigated and brought before the law.

In the execution of his duties, Mugarura faced direct obstruction and confrontation from senior police officers who connived with the said criminals in further obstruction of his duties. High-ranking officers from the Uganda Police framed several charges against the Applicant and carried out unlawful arrests and detentions, maliciously prosecuted him.

The applicant was also physically and mentally tortured and deliberately denied work and refused to re-deploy him despite being cleared by the authorities, all contrary to Articles 20, 23, 24, 44 and 173 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.

In August 2014, Mugarura received a phone call requiring him to report at the flying squad Headquarters and record a statement regarding a criminal gang and on reaching there, he was immediately handcuffed and wantonly beaten by the commandant of the flying squad then, one CP Herman Owomugisha, his head was banged on chairs and wall causing him to sustain grave injuries. He was detained at Jinja Road Police Station for three days and was released on Police bond.

Again while on his way to attend the burial of the late AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesa in Lwengo District, he was brutally arrested by men dressed in ordinary clothes and whisked off in a private car, escorted by a police car, detained at Kira Road Police Station in a small, dark, smelly room where he spent 3 days without food or water and his relatives were denied access to him. He was then transferred to another detention at Railway Police Station for 3 more days without any formal accusation.

According to medical reports, Mugarura while held in incommunicado, sustained grievous harm, blunt chest trauma and a fractured tooth and suffered from scalp, neck and chest pain.

He was later released and transferred from the criminal investigation department to the Field Force Unit of which he refused to report. He was then arrested for misconduct and for the fact that he was wanted by the Police Standard Unit. He was tried and found guilty by the lower disciplinary court of Police and the Appellate Court was then discharged from the Uganda Police Forces.

A matter that forced him to file a case against the respondent and the Attorney General seeking the court to direct the Director Human Resource and Administration of Uganda Police to immediately to re-deploy him. An order for general damages/ compensation against the defendant for the aforesaid violation of fundamental rights of the applicant, also an order directing the defendant to pay the applicant punitive damages for the high-handed actions of police officers.


In his ruling which he delivered on 23th this month, Justice Ssekaana said “Freedom from torture is one of the most universally recognized human rights. Torture is considered so barbaric and incompatible with a civilized society that it cannot be tolerated. Torturers are seen as the ‘enemy of mankind.”

He later ruled that since the respondents did not challenge any of the arrests stated by the applicant in the various police stations for the stated days in each cell. “I would award the applicant 10,000,000/= as damages for the violation of his personal liberty with an interest of 15 percent from the date of this ruling. The applicant is awarded the costs of the case. I so order.”

]]>UPDF Wazalendo SACCO commissions new cash branch in Mubende Sat, 24 Jul 2021 11:55:16 +0000 SACCO on Friday commissioned a cash branch at Chieftaincy of Mubende Rehabilitation Centre (CMRC); bringing the total number of cash operating branches to three. The other two being Bombo and Jinja branches. WSACCO has a total of 19 branches spread across the country.

WSACCO was established in 2005 and has been in operation for 16 years.
The extension of cash branch network is intended to bring services closer to the members and relieving them the burden of struggling to access financial services from commercial banks and money lenders.

While officiating at the ceremony, Col Stephen Kalasanyi the Director Personnel and Administration in the Chieftaincy of Mubende Rehabilitation Center who represented Brig Moses Kwikiriza, the Chief of Mubende Rehabilitation Center appreciated the leadership of WSACCO for coming up with an idea of having a cash center at CMRC without looking at the size of the membership or capabilities.

He added that CMRC is a special unit with many soldiers disabled in the line of duty. He noted that this category of people need special attention both mentally and financially.
“Upgrade of Mubende branch into a cash center has been long overdue and it will make a great difference in the lives our people by supporting the projects that they have been engaged in,” said the DPA.

He pledged that the CMRC leadership shall continue working hand in hand with WSACCO leadership to improve the welfare of the soldiers at CMRC.

The Vice Chairman Board of Directors WSACCO Col Chris Ogumelaki who represented the Board Chairman; Maj Gen Sam Kavuma applauded the leadership of CMRC for availing WSACCO a building to remodel in order to have a branch inside the barracks.

Col Ogumelaki also appreciated the efforts by the BOD and management who planned and implemented the remodeling of the facility in record time and within the budget.
” We are not here just to open a cash branch for withdrawal of money but to enable and encourage members to save, learn the discipline needed to properly use money and to offer a platform for the members to make inquiries,” he observed.

The CEO Wazalendo SACCO; Col Joseph Freddy Onata in his remarks appreciated the UPDF leadership and the BOD of WSACCO for prioritizing the upgrade of Mubende branch to a cash operating branch,adding that this was one of the strategies of building liquidity by tapping into savings from cash obtained by the personnel at the centre from their projects.

In the same spirit the CEO was thankful for the support CMRC leadership has always given to the branch in terms of operating space, security, and other shared facilities which he said have enabled the staff to effectively execute their work and serve the members with ease.

Col Onata appreciated the management team for their tireless efforts to ensure that WSACCO members are always central to its operations.

Also in attendance were senior officers from CMRC, WSACCO BOD and Management members and other invited guests.

]]>Fraud cited as Departed Asians Property Board moves to steal another property Sat, 24 Jul 2021 10:34:57 +0000 Departed Asians Property Custodian Board (DAPCB) has been told that the Minister of Finance or the board itself have no authority to cancel a certificate of repossession previously issued by the latter.

The clarification follows the Board’s move to repossess a property on plot 14C, FRV 78 folio 19 Martin Road, Kampala.

In February, 2021, DAPCB wrote to Martin Road LC1 Chairperson informing him that they are in a process of verifying and winding up all its activities on expropriated properties of which the property was among those to be verified.

“Further, the accupants are illegally occupying this property without any colour of authority to which they are required to pay rent arrears since 1972 to date. There after, they should provide vacant possession to enable the Minister of Finance deal in the property,”Hirome Mayanja wrote on behalf of the chairman Divestiture Committee- DAPCB.

” The purpose of this letter is to request the occupants to provide vacant possession of plot 14C Martin Road, Kampala not later than 60 days from the receipt of this letter,” Mr Mayanja added.

However, the Solicitor General later informed DAPCB that the Minister responsible for Finance has no authority to cancel a certificate of repossession previously he/she issued and that the power is reserved for the High Court of Uganda under the section 15 of the expropriated properties act cap 87.

“Reference is made to your letter no CB2672 dated 26 February 2021 addressed to the LC1 Chairperson Martin Road on the captioned subject, which was brought to the attention of the Hon. Attorney General on 16 April 2021 in his capacity as principal legal advisor of the government by M/s Sharma Import and Export (U) Ltd, the registered owners of the property to vacate it to enable the Minister for finance deal in the property,”JBR Suuza wrote on behalf of the Solicitor General in a letter dated 15 June 2021.

“…. Its also the position of the law that a certificate (of title) is conclusive proof of title to land, unless it has been proved that the title was procured through fraud. It is further, the position of the law that only court of law can declare a transfer of land fraudulent.”

Mr Ssuza added that from the available records, the property in question having been repossessed by its pre-1972 owners on the authority of a certificate issued by the Minister has changed hands five times since 1994, its inconceivable that the board in 2021 can claim or purport to have authority over the property.

“The purported claim of ownership or authority over the property by the board as has been the case with respect to other long possessed properties in the recent past, is downright illegal and is unnecessarily exposing this office and the government at large to costly litigation,”Mr Suuza told the board.

” This office therefore will disassociate itself from the illegal action being contrived by the board in this particular matter and urge the board to desist from further interfering with the registered owner’s constitutionally protected right to the property in question.”

Early this year, Parliament learnt that there had been fraud in the management of the properties of the Asians who were expelled from Uganda in 1972 by the late President Idi Amin.

In a report presented by the former Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (Cosase),  Ibrahim Kasozi, it was discovered that there were irregularities in management, compensation and repossession of properties owned by the departed Asians.

The Asians, after their expulsion left behind property, which included businesses, stock and real estate. Some of the property was repossessed yet owners had been fully compensated by the government of Uganda.

The Committee established that in 1977, talks between the Uganda government and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees were held in Entebbe to discuss compensation of property left behind by departed Asians.

“In this meeting, it was agreed that land was not compensable under Ugandan law since it was owned by Ugandans. Buildings over 10 years were regarded as amortized and only buildings five years or newer were to be valued and compensated at the 1972 market value,” Kasozi said.

He added that it was therefore, established that part of the compensation to the departed Asians had been paid by the government in 1976 with shs13.4 million paid to the Indian government.

Kasozi noted that through the UNHCR, Uganda agreed to pay shs40.4 million as compensation to persons of undetermined nationality for assets left in Uganda. According to the Committee, for years, the board has had issues ranging from failure to effectively supervise the activities of the secretariat to outright corruption and negligence.
“Although Section 5 (1) of the Assets of Departed Asians Act mandates the board to sit at least once every month, the six ministers on the board are always too busy to meet and have not done so for 10 years,” the report stated in part.

The committee report added that some properties had ended up in the hands of unscrupulous individuals who had then transferred the same to bona-fide purchasers for value without notice.
“At compilation of the report, a total of 119 former Asian owners had been compensated to a tune shs1.765 billion,” the report adds.

Kasozi said that most fraud relating to expropriated properties was propagated through the powers of attorney with certain individuals being at the centre of such fraudulent dealings.

“People like Mohammed Alibhai went to countries like Canada where these Asians are, obtained generic powers of attorney, processed repossessions, fraudulently obtained certificates of repossession from the Board and went on to manage or even owned the properties in issue to the determent of the real owners who would never enjoy the benefit or repossession,” he said.

The Committee recommended among others that fraudulently acquired repossession certificates becancelled and reverted to the government.
”The perpetrators should be prosecuted and repossessions whose former owners did not physically return to manage the properties as required by law should be cancelled,” Kasozi added.

Theodore Ssekikubo (NRM, Lwemiyaga County) concurred with the report saying that the fraudsters must be arrested.

“The late Idi Amin paid for these properties fully. These fraudsters however forged the documents and took the properties.The Custodian Board hasoutlived its usefulness andthose culpable should be charged,” Ssekikubo said.

Budadiri West MP, Nathan Mafabi backed that the Board should be dissolved.
“We should direct that the Board is closed, the people working in it are arrested and taken to Luzira Maximum Prison because they are stealing public property,” he stated.

]]>Prime Minister Nabbanja has started talking in tongues after realizing she is fighting the corrupt untouchables, says Makerere University Don Ndebesa Sat, 24 Jul 2021 09:03:11 +0000 University Senior Lecturer Prof Mwambutsya Ndebesa has said Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has started talking in tongues after realizing that she is dealing with untouchable in her battle against corruption and misuse of government resources.

Early this week when Nabbanja visited people affected by floods in Kasese, she was dismayed to learn that they had been given substandard items such as blankets.

She was later availed with a report from the Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, on the substandard items that were delivered to the affected persons before rejecting it on grounds thst it lacked facts.

Nabbanja immediately directed the Inspector of Government, Police and the State House Anti-Corruption Unit to carry out fresh investigations into the matter.

She also revealed that she was being threatened by those opposed to her fight against corruption in the Office of the Prime Minister. However, Nabbanja noted that she will not be deterred because she is only after accountability of public resources and she is not witch-hunting anybody.

Now, Prof Ndebesa says after waging a war on the corrupt government officials who are untouchable, Nabbanja later realised that she is fighting a battle above her and now she has started speaking in tongues.

“Now Prime Minister Nabbanja has started talking in tongues. She identified substandard blankets supplied to Kasese flood victims as relief. They were put on air for all of us to see. She promised she would punish those of her officials responsible for supplying such substandard blankets and citizens applauded her for the prompt steps taken,” the senior lecturer said in a Facebook post on Saturday.

” Now it seems she has discovered the network of suppliers are the usual untouchables. She now has refered the matter to the IGG which IGG I think has not even been vetted. This matter will now take twists and turns and before we know, it will be forgotten. The prime minister has Powers to interdict if she so wished. She could interdict the officials as investigations by the IGG commence.But it seems she may have sensed there could be an untouchable person behind the tender and is now taking calculated precautions by referring the matter elsewhere to save her job,”he added.

]]>NUP: We would have ordered our MPs to return the car money to Consolidated Fund but the regime will not put it to proper use Sat, 24 Jul 2021 07:48:58 +0000 National Unity Platform (NUP) has condemned government for giving Members of Parliament Shs200 million each to purchase cars when the nation is still grappling with dire effects of Covid-19 lockdown.

The party’s acting president also Opposition Chief Whip John Baptist Nambeshe says this is one of the very many aspects of wastage of public resources which NUP has been critical of, including the billions spent by State House every day.

“While we know that Members of Parliament need vehicles to travel to and from their constituencies, NUP believes that MPs are some of the most well paid public servants who can afford to buy vehicles for themselves. In our manifesto, we made proposals on how to tackle nugatory public expenditure so as to prioritize the welfare of our people,” Nambeshe said in a statement on Friday.

” While at our leaders retreat in April, NUP members of parliament resolved to devote a substantial amount of Sh200 million grant towards the welfare of their constituents. Ordinarily, public services should be carried out by government, but that happens when you have a government that cares for the people. It is this regard that most NUP MPs have already been undertaking projects in their constituencies aimed at elevating the conditions of the people.”

Nambeshe further noted that in the coming days, individual NUP MPs will continue to carry out projects in the respective constituencies, mostly targeting healthcare, education, agriculture and youth empowerment programs.

He also revealed that the option of returning the car money to the consolidated fund was discussed but not taken up because the same regime would not put it to any meaningful or proper use.

“It was also realized that every constituency has specific needs and challenges and therefore it would not be plausible to carry out one project across all constituencies. The party will continue to publicize our members’ projects. We thank the people of Uganda for being vigilant and request to continue holding their leaders accountable,” the Manjiya county MP concluded.

]]>IDENTIFIED: Here is the woman behind the training of young girls to have sex with dogs in Muyenga Sat, 24 Jul 2021 06:45:27 +0000 have revealed that they are holding a one Dorothy Ndagire as the main suspect behind the training of young girls to have sex with dogs.

On Friday, the force rescued 14 girls who were being trained to conduct unnatural sexual acts includung sleeping with dogs.

The victims were rescued from a guesthouse in Muyenga, Makindye division.

It’s alleged that the girls were being prepared  to travel to a European destination to be hired to conduct the dirty acts.

Kampala Metropolitan Police Deputy Spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire says the 14 girls only between the ages of 4-19 years were allegedly being trafficked by Ndagire, 27, a resident of Kawala Central Zone in Rubaga division through her NGO called ‘Maya project Uganda chapter’ with partners allegedly based in London.

Owoyesigyire also disclosed that Ndagire has since been arrested and charged with trafficking in persons.

“While Police has already established that the NGO is NOT registered with the NGO board, further investigations are ongoing to ascertain the group behind this vice and their intention,” he said in a statement on Saturday.

“The children are currently staying with a proffesional children’s home as police intensifies efforts to trace for their parents.”

Owoyesigyire further called upon parents/guardians of the victims who could have willingly or unwillingly given their children to the said Ndagire-to follow up with Kabalagala Police.

]]>Museveni passes out UPDF Counter Terrorism Graduands, cautions them against living recklessly Sat, 24 Jul 2021 06:18:03 +0000 President of Republic of Uganda and Commander in Chief of Uganda Peoples Defence Forces ( UPDF) , HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on Friday officiated at the pass out ceremony of UPDF soldiers who concluded a 6 months Counter Terrorism Warriors Course at Nakasongola Cantonment in Nakasongola district.

The President congratulated the graduands upon the completion of the course, cautioned them against living reckless lives, and urged them to maintain discipline , patriotism,integrity and self confidence as they continue to strengthen their military capabilities in combating any situation.

The President reminded the soldiers to ensure that they put duty to their Nation first.

President Museveni also laid a foundation stone at the School Of Military Intelligence (SOMI) and Security at Migyeera, Nakasongola district and also promised to support it to completion.

The Chief of Defence Forces Gen Wilson Mbasu Mbadi also congratulated the graduands upon fulfilling their mission course of counter terrorism and thanked President Museveni for the wonderful and strong efforts in boosting and strengthening the Defence capabilities through professionalising both physical and mental combat operations.
The CDF added that the course was intended to produce a high level of technical and tactical combat capability in order to excel in any combat operations amidst physical and mental strength.

Gen Mbadi also thanked the Commandant of School Of Military Intelligence and Security and the instructors for their advanced guidance towards refining professionalisation and capacity building enhancement of graduands in military Fields.

He reiterated the President’s caution to the soldiers to live responsibly and avoid reckless behavior so as to meaningfully contribute to Uganda.

The Chief Military Intelligence (CMI) Maj Gen Abel Kandiho also congratulated the graduands upon the completion of the course and thanked the President for professionalising the UPDF institution that continues to attract nationals of various academic excellence which would rate the national army amongst the best public technological innovaters both at regional and international level.

Gen Kandiho also remarked that UPDF intelligence needs more support to enable smooth running of the Chieftaincy’s modules given by UPDF leadership both in and out of the country.

Private Twongeirwe Kenneth emerged the overall best student, Private Imalingat Gabriel was the most professional while Private Bwambale Rowen was the most disciplined student. Private Namuhoma Madina was awarded the best female student.

The function was also attended by the Senior Presidential advisor on Defence and Security, Lt Gen Proscovia Nalweyiso , Joint Chief of Staff Maj Gen Leopold Kyanda, Chief of Training and Recruitment Brig Gen Matthew Gureme, among other UPDF Senior and Junior officers.

]]>Covid-19: Government urged to vaccinate all teachers before school re-opening Sat, 24 Jul 2021 06:07:36 +0000 leaders and educationist in Northern Uganda have called on government to vaccinate all teachers before institutions of learning are re-opened.

In a meeting the Parliamentary Taskforce committee on Covid-19, Lira District leaders said there were a lot of infections in schools which had an effect on the communities when the learners where sent home when the second lockdown was enforced.

“We observed that when children came back from schools, that is when the elderly began to fall sick in the villages. Schools realised Covid-19 in their schools and they kept quiet,” Said Bosco Ogwang, a member of the Lira University Covid-19 task force.

Ogwang added that students should only go back vaccination of teachers country wide.

Jonam County MP, Hon Emmanuel Ongiertho said since the Parliamentary Committee on Education will ensure that schools that do not declare Covid-19 cases are reprimanded.

The Ag. District Health Officer of Lira, Edmonton Acheka revealed that they registered 11 deaths out of the 365 positive cases in the district. After traversing Karamoja, Acholi, West Nile and Lango the Parliamentary Covid-19 Task Force observed that districts which have observed the standard operating procedures have low positivity rates.

MPs however noted that during the first wave, task forces were very active in tracing contacts, mobilized the communities and enforced SOPs unlike in the current wave were Covid-19 guidelines are flouted.

]]>14 girls being trained to have sex with dogs during lockdown rescued from Muyenga guesthouse Fri, 23 Jul 2021 19:37:14 +0000 have rescued 14 girls who were being trained to conduct unnatural sexual acts includung sleeping with dogs.

The victims were rescued from a guesthouse in Muyenga, a city suburb amidst Covid-19 lockdown.

According to Uganda Radio Network (URN), it’s alleged that the girls were being prepared  to travel to a European destination to be hired to conduct the dirty acts.

“Most of the girls are minors aged below 14, who by law cannot be employed, nor travel abroad without parental/guardian’s consent. Only one girl is said to be 19,” URN wrote.

Acting upon a tip-off by concerned residents in Makindye Division,Kampala Metropolitan Deputy police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire said that the 14 girls were found at Papaya Holiday Home in Muyenga B Zone, Makindye Division. He said the older girl aged 19 claims to be a S.6 student of Namungoona Parents secondary school in Rubaga Division.

Owoyesigyire said that they were under the custody of a lady called Dorothy Ndagire who purports to operate an NGO called Maya Project, Uganda Chapter working in collaboration with another in the UK but not registered under the laws of Uganda.

“We went to the guest house and found the girls living in bad conditions and the information we got is that they were being forced to sleep with dogs,” Owoyesigyire told the news outlet, adding that the girls have since refused to give information regarding where they came from and even their particulars.

Oweyesigyire revealed that the police have arrested and detained Ndagire amid ongoing investigations and the girls have since been taken to a home awaiting information regarding where they came from and who their parents are.

“These are children whom we cannot expose to the media, but they are currently under shelter and care of professional people who will speak to them and be able to find out their parents,” said Owoyesigyire.

He further revealed that a charge of trafficking in children has been preferred against Ndagire. Immaculate Owomugisha, a social justice lawyer working as the head of advocacy at the Uganda Network On Law, Ethics and HIV/Aids (UGANET) said that the girls are being kept under shelter for safety as the police find their homes.

“The girls are in shelter as the police investigate the case and those found responsible shall be subjected to the law, but we are taking care of them as well as facilitating their health needs,” she added.


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