LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Overturning Roe v Wade insufficient

Father Frank Pavone and Alveda King make a solidly reasoned case for the Supreme Court to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which decriminalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy because it “has no legitimate foundation in law” (“Roe v. Wade tears apart the fabric of our nation,” Web, July 28).  

They also cite the 63 million preborn killed, the grief it has caused so many women and their families and the systemic racism it has engendered against Blacks and Hispanics by the abortion industry. 

If the court only overturns this decision, however, it will leave the abortion decision to the states. Some states with the largest number of abortions have already enacted legislation permitting abortion throughout pregnancy. So overturning Roe v. Wade will still leave many preborn unprotected.

The court must go further and declare abortion unconstitutional, thereby outlawing it and saving states such as New York, California and Illinois (which sanction the killing of the preborn) from the resulting problems: general lessening of morality, broken families, crime and systemic racism. 


Silver Spring, Md.

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