Long-haul Covid predicted to be economic insurance battleground
Between 10 to 30% of those with COVID still suffer terrible symptoms, sometimes for months
Author of the article:
Liz BraunPublishing date:
Aug 04, 2021 • 12 minutes ago • 3 minute read • Join the conversation
Long-haul Covid has been in the news for at least a year.
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Article contentNow it’s shaping up to be the next big COVID battleground.
A new article in theNew England Journal of Medicine offers sobering statistics about what it calls a public health disaster in the making.
Long-haul COVID is a post-infection chronic disease syndrome, just as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic Lyme disease.
It’s estimated that some 10 to 30% of people who have had COVID still suffer terrible symptoms, sometimes for months after being infected.
Noting that it is a “frustratingly perplexing conditionâ€, the NEJM article calls long-haul COVID a looming disaster that will cast a shadow over the health care system and economic recovery.
According to the Mayo Clinic, long-haul COVID’s symptoms can include fatigue and shortness of breath, cough, joint pain, chest pain, memory and concentration problems, sleep issues, muscle pain, headache, rapid heartbeat, loss of smell and taste, depression, anxiety, fever and ‘flu symptoms, dizziness and worsening symptoms after physical and mental activity.
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Article contentThe British Medical Journaladds neurocognitive difficulties, gastrointestinal upset, rashes, metabolic disruption (such as poor control of diabetes,) thromboembolic conditions and other mental health conditions to that list.
The problem is that long-haul COVID is already being written off as “psychological†in some quarters, which means it will not be investigated properly.
Your best line of defence is to be vaccinated.
Unfortunately, as with other “mystery†post-viral illnesses, insurance frustration is already on the horizon.
People whose long-haul COVID symptoms are bad enough to prevent them working are finding their insurance companies are uncooperative.
According to Steve Rastin, managing partner at Rastin Gluckstein, people are getting legal help for long term disability claims, “Because their insurance companies refuse to look at their claims. I anticipate that this is going to be a massive battleground as people fight for their rights.â€
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Article contentWith estimates as high as 140,000 people potentially suffering long-haul COVID, insurance companies are running scared.
Some people suffering long-haul COVID had very mild symptoms of COVID itself; others were asymptomatic.
Insurers can demand medical paperwork, but some people told to isolate for their COVID symptoms were never tested. And most people saw their doctors remotely during the pandemic â€" there may be no paper trail at all.
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There isn’t really a clinical definition of long-haul COVID either; doctors are too busy working to avoid a fourth wave to turn their attention fully to the crisis of post-infection illness.
“People are really suffering, really struggling to get through the day with this thing,†said Rastin.
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Article content“Insufficient medical evidence will be the excuse insurers offer.â€
There are no chemical markers or specific tests to measure long-haul COVID, and insurers will lean on that lack of objective results.
Younger people get long-haul COVID, “So we’re talking about people 35 or 40 who cannot re-enter the workforce. They have brain fog and overall fatigue and can’t focus,†said Rastin.
“What will we do if hundreds of thousands of people are rendered non-functioning? And why aren’t we looking at that?â€
Rastin says that the pandemic has actually been a windfall for insurance companies. For some time there was no one on the roads and no one in public places.
“So no car accident claims, no bar fight claims, no slip-and-falls. And no physio or chiropractors’ offices were open â€" so even if you had a claim, you couldn’t spend your insurance money.
“A lot of the things that drive claims just stopped happening in Canada during the pandemic.â€
Insurers had some benefit from fewer claims during the pandemic.
“Now they should fulfill their obligation to society.â€
Right now, said Rastin, there’s no way of knowing if people will ever recover from long-haul COVID.
Will it last three months? Six months?
“Based on my experience, if you apply and don’t get coverage, you might go and speak to a lawyer. Unfortunately, you’re going to have a fight on your hands.â€
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