Your Daily Horoscope for Wednesday August 25

By Hedy Damari August 25, 2021 â€" 12.00am


March 21- April 19

A well-timed compliment will go a long way. The sun and sweet-talking Venus are enhancing your ability to say exactly the right thing at the right time. Combine this with your innate magnetism and you’ll charm your way out of traffic fines and into the VIP section! It will also bring welcomed relief to tense situations with friends.

Every star sign on love, career and more.

Every star sign on love, career and more.Credit:iStock


April 20-May 20

Let’s cut to the chase! You won’t have the time or patience for small talk and will tell it like it is. You’ll also think of ways to add meaning, strength and depth to relationships, especially those of a romantic nature. When it comes to money matters and possessions an objective attitude will help you to make the right decisions.


May 21-June 21

Home is the place to be as the sun brings warmth and harmony to your heart. And with creative Venus in your sector of hobbies and artistry your household will be the perfect sanctuary from the craziness of the outside world. Meanwhile, regarding finances, you’re in a fine position to implement some great money spinners and boost your income provided you are proactive.


June 22-July 22

You’ll be far more detail-oriented today and inspired to make improvements, particularly when it comes to daily machinations. Whether you’re emulating an impeccable friend’s methods or introducing your own efficient time-savers, any measures you make will be for the better. Also think about small ways to boost your wellbeing whether it’s switching to oat milk or taking the stairs.


July 23-August 22

You usually don’t put much stock in what others think of you. Today though, a thought-provoking comment or situation may make you question your status and the way in which you are perceived. You may even feel the need for approval and accordingly be on your best behaviour, especially regarding group efforts, where you’ll seek recognition for your part.


August 23-September 22

As the perfectionist of the zodiac you can be pretty critical of yourself and others. Today it’s important to lower your expectations and avoid being easily disappointed. With aggressive Mars impacting on the way you communicate it’s vital to monitor your reactions or you may say something that you’ll later regret. Cut people some slack and be kind to yourself.


September 23-October 22

You’ll be motivated to make some changes to your daily routine. Although you may like to multitask, today, less is more. Have realistic expectations about what you can fit into your day and make a habit of leaving enough time to decompress. Unwinding should be just as important as the rest of the items on your ‘to do’ list.


October 23 â€" November 22

You may stumble upon a secret or perhaps be harbouring one as Venus hibernates in your sector of privacy. This area is also associated with karma so while a few skeletons, whether they are yours or other people’s, may come toppling out of the closet many of you are also likely to be rewarded for any past acts of kindness.


November 23-December 20

It’s time for an image update! Luckily, you’ll have the funds as well as the inspiration to boost your appearance and make a great impression, especially within your professional realm. Making an effort to look your best will heighten your confidence and while an epic splurge isn’t recommended a few choice items will make you feel like a gazillion bucks.


December 21-January 19

Stay in your own lane, Capricorn. You’re a caring soul and although you don’t purposefully stick your nose other people’s business you’re extremely loyal. Today you may get more involved than you initially care to in other people’s problems. Give them your advice, if unsolicited, otherwise leave well enough alone. Save your energy for your own issues.


January 20-February 18

Over the next few days your moods will be dictated to by the company you keep. You’re already sensitive to other people’s temperaments so it’s important to surround yourself with low-maintenance folk. On a more romantic level, you’ll feel a strong urge to express your affection and appreciation for your loved one, but do so without expecting anything in return.


February 19-March 20

The sun joins feisty Mars in your relationship sector, dishing out more than your fair share of agro and drama. However, you can turn the dynamics around if you focus on the positives of this placement. The red-hot planet is also known for being highly productive so use his ‘can do’ energy and make strides towards resolving any problems with loved ones.

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